What have financial planners and advisers been most interested in over the past year?
The following are my most popular client-centred blog posts of 2023.
I also want to add that none of this would be possible without you. Thank you for your valuable time and attention – you are very much appreciated.
1. Listening is a super power
This article reveals a new way of listening that can transform the depth and quality of relationships you build.
2. The importance of relaxing your financial planning client
A relaxed client is a receptive client. So, this article draws your attention to how a client may show up to a meeting and why it is essential to relax them before moving forward.
3. How to have a great first conversation
This article looks at the three levels of relationship and the hidden factor behind all great client relationships.
4. How to make your financial planning meetings better than ever
Do you want to take the randomness out of making significant and sustainable improvements to your client meetings? This article looks at the core factors involved.
5. My favourite Warren Buffett quote and why it matters
Warren Buffett is a smart guy with some astute observations about life. This article shares my favourite one that can significantly boost your productivity.
6. A new way of thinking about financial planning fees
Fee charging can bring up a lot of thinking for many advisers. So, here I am offering an alternative and more useful way to think about the fees you charge.
P.S. There are many more posts available on important subjects such as rapport building, time management, value creation, powerful questions to ask clients, and the human aspect of financial planning. Click here to scroll through the list and find what is most interesting and relevant to you.